Monday, December 28, 2009


The year 2009 ended with some encouraging changes on the stage for people around the world.
Even though toxic individuals still are spreading their false and self -destructive beliefs, positive and spiritual forces are working with good intentions. The passionate, giving, and persistent side of human nature is moving forward.

Among the good news and many positive changes in 2009 there are few significant ones:

Finally, after years of division, American politicians decided to take action on the future of a dysfunctional health care system. Although, members of the Congress and the Senate were widely divided about the direction of health care in the future, they gave partial access and benefits to the American people, who are still last among the most industrialized nations and some developing countries. Access to quality health care and public education must be top priorities for any society as wealthy as is the United States. These two essential parts of daily living will improve the quality of life and help society to be more competent in a competitive global environment.
Both health care and educational systems need further advancement in quality and level of accessibility to all American people.

Finally, in year 2009, 192 nations agreed that there is a global warming problem and we must come up with a global solution. They put an end to the belief that global warming is another liberal idea, which is against economic growth. December 2009 is marked with an historical UN convention on climate change, in Copenhagen. It is a great start. It is another victory for people all over the world.

Finally, in 2009 more than ever before most nations agreed to stop the growing threat of terrorism and radicalism around the globe. Radical thinking has a tendency to ignore diversity and individual rights in society. Most of the time the radical approach is based on strong ideological views. When an individual, or group, comes to the conclusion that his/her religion or method of thinking is the only way to salvation, offering solutions to every problem, it will clear the way for elimination and harsh reactions to others. Beliefs and actions based on ideology, in any form, or shape, will lead to narrow and biased judgments. Historical evidence shows clear indications that use of force and close-minded views, in family environments, business settings, and other social groups will create the reverse outcome.

The majority of people and political leaders believe that a victory for the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan would have catastrophic consequences for the people around the world. Radicalism is a major obstacle, in the East or the West, against human freedom and advancement. Extreme methods of teaching at home, in school, in religious institutions, and political environments are contrary to human needs for freedom, independence, giving, and forgiveness. Our nature as individuals is familiar with dynamic movement, communication, expression, cooperation, and togetherness. We are able to achieve these necessary qualities by following the laws of the universe and creating balance.


Let us hope for broader vision and more harmony between our actions and basic human needs in year 2010. Personal responsibility and narrowing the gap between our false-self and our true-self is the key to moving us forward.


  1. Great events of 2000-2010 to be recognized. These are historical changes in current world.
